.PS include(liborth.m4) cct_init # Usual defs... qrt=dimen_/4; hlf=dimen_/2; dim=dimen_; Org:Here orthogaxes(3*dim) orthogmove(2*dim,pi_/4,pi_/3); dot P1:Here {line to Org} orthogmove(2*dim,pi_/2,pi_/4); dot P2:Here line from P1 to P2 line to Org move to Org orthogphicirc(dim, pi_/2, 0, pi_/4) arrow from last line.start to last line.end move to Org orthogthetacirc(dim, pi_/3, 0, pi_/4) arrow from last line.start to last line.end line -> from P1 up_ hlf right_ ; " $A_z$" above_ line -> from P1 up_ hlf right_ hlf " $A_r$" ljust_ line -> from P1 down_ hlf right_ hlf " $A_\theta$" ljust_ orthogmove(1.5*dim, pi_/2, pi_/8) "$\phi$" orthogmove(1.35*dim, pi_/6, pi_/3) "$\theta$" "\tiny RetPot" at (2*dim, -hlf) .PE