.PS cct_init # Usual defs... qrt=dimen_/4; hlf=dimen_/2; dim=dimen_; linethick_(2); L1:line right_ dim; linethick_ source(with .center at Here+(2mm__,0),AC,4mm__) linethick_(2); L2:line from L1.end+(4mm__,0) right_ dim; linethick_ move right_ 3* dim linethick_(2); L3:line right_ dim; linethick_ source(with .center at Here+(2mm__,0),AC,4mm__) linethick_(2); line from L3.end+(4mm__,0) right_ dim; linethick_ move to 1/2 of the way between L2.end \ and L3.start Orig:Here # Spacing ito wavelength s=10; # scaling factor factor = 0.65; for theta = 0 to twopi_ by 0.01 do { e = abs(factor*(2*sin(theta)*cos(pi_*s*cos(theta)))); line to Orig+(e*cos(theta),e*sin(theta)) } "\tiny Interferometer" at (5.5*dim,-dim) .PE