.PS cct_init # Usual defs... qrt=dimen_/4; hlf=dimen_/2; dim=dimen_; E1:ellipse width 0.2*dim height 0.1*dim E2:ellipse same at E1.center+(0,-dim) # paint white over the top of the bottom ellipse... box invis fill 1 width 0.2*dim-lthick height 0.1*dim with .c at E2.n line from E1.e to E2.e line from E1.w to E2.w dimension_(from E1.w to E2.w,-5mm__,$d\ell$,3mm__) line dotted from E1.e+(dim/2,0) to E2.e+(dim/2,0) "$I$" at last line.center+(dim/10,0) ljust_ "\tiny Ideal" at (dim,-1.5*dim) .PE